
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Internet Safety

by Phil Powers, Hopkinton High School Resource Office

Just a safety reminder as the school year starts, I want to encourage everyone to be vigilant with all types of social media (for example Facebook and Twitter).  It is important to communicate with your child about what sites they are on and the potential issues that can arise.  With more devices than ever being used (ie. iphones, ipads, laptops etc.) it is critical that we all work together to inform your children about the dangers of these sites and how to use them appropriately.  If your child has a Facebook/Twitter account, I would strongly advise that you talk to them about logins and passwords so you are able to monitor them.  Below are some helpful sites and resources that Hopkinton Public School would like to share.

Tips from FBI Parents Guide to Internet Safety

Instruct your children:
·  to never arrange a face-to-face meeting with someone they met online
·  to never upload (post) pictures of themselves onto the Internet or online service to people they do not personally know
·  to never give out identifying information such as their name, home address, school name, or telephone number
·  to never download pictures from an unknown source (there is a good chance there could be sexually explicit images)
·  to never respond to messages or bulletin board postings that are suggestive, obscene, belligerent, or harassing
·  that whatever they are told online may or may not be true.*
*Adapted from A Parent's Guide to Internet Safety (

Additional resources on internet safety:

·  Safe Teens:
·  Wired Safety:
·  ISafe:
·  NetSmartz Workshop:

Please feel free to contact me at the high school (  508-497-9820 ext.1004) or at the police station if you have questions or concerns.