Digital-Agel Parenting Resources on the Web
by Colleen Worrell, Secondary Technology Integration Coordinator
Massively Open Online Courses, more commonly known as MOOCs (pronounced "moo-ks"), have become a familiar part of the higher education landscape over the past 5+years. They are free, open courses that are meant to both "democratize" education and to allow institutions to promote their "brand." MOOC participants can participate as much or as little as they want, depending on their own learning goals and reasons for enrollment.While MOOCs are only just starting to have an impact on K-12 education, they have much to offer educators and students, especially at the high school level. High Schools and universities are even starting to use MOOCs to reach out to parents on everything from the college application process to digital citizenship. I wanted to share one course called "Parenting in the Digital Age," which started September 22nd. Enrollment is still open for this free course, so you may want to check it out (click on this link: Parenting in the Digital Age MOOC).
Another great resource for parenting in the digital age is the Cyberwise website. In particular, their video, "What Kids are (Really) Doing Online," is worth watching:
Don't hesitate to get in touch with me ( if you have any questions or need resources or advice on managing family life in the digital age.
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