9th Grade iSearch Project
by Kirsten Fournier, HHS Librarian
Recently, freshman ELA classes embarked on their iSearch research projects in which they had an opportunity to learn more about the HHS Library resources available to them, both print and digital. Students learned how to search Google more effectively, explored student-friendly search engine alternatives to Google, and used their NoodleTools account to maintain all of their research notes and citations. In addition, students learned how to search the online library catalog and identify available print sources related to their research topic, as well as how to navigate the library’s subscription databases.
It was a very busy and productive week in the HHS Library!
An important PS: Thanks to the HPTA, which gave HPS a grant to pilot the first year of Noodle Tools over the 2013-14 SY. It's fast becoming the go-to research and writing tool for HPS teachers and students!
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