
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Our Students’ Digital Lives

by Colleen Worrell, Secondary Technology Integration Coordinator

This week we had the opportunity to host a visit from the Westborough Public Schools, since the district is exploring options for launching a 1:1 initiative. As part of this event we invited four HHS students to share their experiences and feedback on our program with the teachers and administrators from the visiting district. We were proud of each student’s ability to discuss their thoughts and experience so effectively and openly. While all four students readily admitted that the laptops can be a distraction, our students also addressed the fact that the program fostered more independence and the need for students to take greater responsibility for their own learning. As one student put it, “We have to learn when it’s okay to chat and play games, and when we need to pay attention.” While teachers have different strategies for monitoring and correcting “distracted learning” in their classrooms, one student voiced the opinion that it really comes down to the students themselves. After all, another student explained, “if we learn how to manage this now, we’ll be better off in college.”

Listening to our students reminded me just how central technology is to their daily lives. I wanted to share this video from Cyberwise, which provides insight on the student perspective on life in the digital age.

We hope to provide the school community with the opportunity to discuss our students’ digital lives sometime in the months to come. Until then, don’t hesitate to contact me ( with any concerns or questions you might have, or for more information on the 1:1 Laptop Program or HHS’ work on developing self-directed, responsible digital citizens.