
Friday, September 27, 2013

Year 2 of the 1:1 Program

by Colleen Worrell, Secondary Technology Integration Coordinator


The roll out of our second year has gone remarkably smoothly. Members of the Freshman Class were introduced to the 1:1 program and key learning tools during Freshman Orientation in August. Students worked through a self-paced course in our learning management system, Moodle. While many students completed the learning module during orientation, some did not. Please check that your 9th grade student has completed this online course in Moodle since it will help them get information and develop the basic skills they'll need to use technology effectively for learning.

Here is some basic information from our orientation that both students and parents should know about the 1:1 Program:

(1) Ways to Seek Tech Help
  • All students in the 1:1 program can seek tech help by stopping by the Tech Center (HHS 2nd floor) open M-F from 7-3pm.
  • Students may also use their network ID to submit a Tech Ticket and the Help Desk will reply within 24-48 business hours. The link can be found under the Student tab (last link) on the HHS website. Many issues can be resolved remotely so this is a great way to address tech problems!
(2) Forget Your Laptop or Charger?
Students are expected to have their laptop with them at school every day. On the (hopefully) rare occasion students forget their laptop or charger, they may check one out from the HS Library for use during the school day. These are only available for in-school use and may not be taken home. Keep in mind that there are limited spares available.

(3) Lose or Break Something?
If students misplace a charger or other equipment they can stop by the Tech Center or submit a Tech Ticket to see if it has been turned in. We recommend writing the student name or initials in permanent ink on the cord (not the laptop!) in case students misplace their charger.

In the event of damage to or problems with school-owned or leased Airs, seek assistance from the Tech Center immediately. We can only assist in fixing school/leased Airs. The technicians may be able to advise BYOD students on where to seek help, but in general, maintenance and repairs for machines outside of the lease program is not available through HPS.

Keep in mind that students are expected to bring a laptop daily. If any 9th or 10th grader is unable to access their laptop for any reason, they should contact the Tech Center in person or via a Tech Ticket.

(4) Student Responsibilities
Here are the expectations for all students: 1:1 Student Responsibilities. Please review them with your student. Your support is appreciated!

We will use this blog to share on ways students are using their laptops in the classroom in the months to come.